The PCOS Prescription

The world’s first program blending together the fast-acting power of GLP1 medication (like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide) with proven, sustainable PCOS dietary and lifestyle interventions to make our weight loss permanent

This accelerated PCOS weight loss program is for those who want FAST, effective PCOS weight loss, but need their results to last

Please note: Ozempic + Wegovy have the same active ingredient: Semaglutide. Mounjaro and Zepbound are the brand names of Tirzepatide

Why Do Women With PCOS Experience Weight Gain?

Women with PCOS gain weight for multiple reasons, but the important thing to realize is weight gain with PCOS is

Here are some factors that can make losing weight with PCOS difficult:

  • Elevated Androgens: Our higher male sex hormones increase insulin resistance

  • Insulin Resistance: Higher insulin levels due to insulin resistance shoot our appetite through the roof, bring on intense cravings for carbs and sugar, prevent fat burning, and promote the growth of fat cells (especially in the abdomen)

  • Cortisol Elevations: Spikes in cortisol (our stress hormone) slow down our metabolism and make our bodies want to hold onto weight and never let it go

Studies show as many as 80% of women with PCOS are either overweight or obese. For many of us, carrying extra weight makes our PCOS symptoms worse.

“But you can lose weight with PCOS and keep it off. It’s 1000% possible!”

Learn the essential strategies you need to lose weight quickly, step into the best version of yourself, regain your badass sexy confidence, and keep the weight off for life.

About the pcos prescription

Open to women anywhere in the United States, you’ll gain lifetime access to the program.
I know you’re busy, boo, so this program is completely go-at-your-own-pace!

The PCOS Prescription is an online program using an intuitive web-based platform separated into six different learning modules.
It also includes exclusive access to a private exclusive online community where you and fellow members can ask each other questions, support and bounce ideas off one another, and have direct one-on-one communication with Cory.

You’ll also receive:

  • A private initial consultation with a member of our telehealth healthcare team to discuss your weight loss goals and treatment plan

  • 20% off your monthly medication prescription; either Semaglutide aka Ozempic/Wegovy or Tirzepatide aka Mounjaro/Zepbound for the duration of 6 (six) months

    • Note: the discount code is good for 6 months total- no need to finish all of your prescription within 6 months! If you stop, and start again later, you can still use your discount code!

  • 1 (one) private consultation with a Medical Doctor every 3 (three) months

  • Unlimited telehealth healthcare team support

  • All syringes, shipping fees, and everything you need for the medication is included!

    The program is only open to 200 women. That’s it!

what will the pcos prescription teach you?

  • What’s Driving your PCOS, How to Eat to Fix It: Finally understand the *root* cause of your PCOS and what’s behind your unique symptoms. This means you’ll learn once and for all how many grams of carbohydrates you actually need to be eating along with calories, grams of protein, grams of fat, and how much fiber you need to lose weight efficiently and keep it off while regulating your cycle. You’ll learn my science-backed eating guidelines for how to put together all your meals and snacks to set yourself up for weight loss success. The best part? NO MORE RESTRICTION AND ELIMINATION. Y’all heard me right: you’ll learn ALL of these techniques so you DON’T have to go gluten and dairy-free. PCOS is a lifelong condition, who NEVER wants to eat a bagel with cream cheese ever again? Not me, no thanks. You’ll learn how to be the boss of your PCOS and lose weight quickly without unnecessary elimination and restriction. ALSO, you’ll get access to 6 months of PCOS weight loss meal plans complete with recipes AND grocery shopping lists to make it all easy on you!

  • Exercise and Movement for PCOS: Learn what exercises are best for your PCOS. Gone are the days of slogging through boring cardio/resistance workouts, hello new gentle movement routine that’s doable, fun, and most of all- sustainable! These workouts are brought to you by PCOS personal trainer JoeEtta McAdam who will guide you towards the BEST fat-burning workouts of your life! Trust us, your leaner, stronger new PCOS bod will thank you!

  • Stress Management, Sleep, and Libido: Are your adrenals burnt out? Find out how to fix them ASAP to unlock more efficient weight loss and regular cycles. Good sleep is the base of the pyramid of good health, you’ll learn all my top secrets to getting better, high-quality shut-eye to help rev your metabolism and increase your energy levels. Is your sex drive in the trashcan for most of the month? I hear that! Hack into this special libido module to unlock my TOP strategies for a higher sex drive

  • Gut Health and Digestion: Your gut and your hormones are intricately connected; you’ll learn how to achieve and leverage better digestion to support long-term weight loss. If you ever struggle with constipation, gas, bloat, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, or abdominal pain- this isn’t normal! Let me show you how to get a more comfortable, flatter tummy, clearer skin, and regular periods through optimal gut health

  • Cycle Tracking: Since hormones influence everything from our mood, to our energy levels, to our weight, it’s crucial we understand what the heck they’re up to throughout our cycles! This specialized, unique cycle-tracking module shows you how to effectively track your cycles to better interpret hormone levels like estrogen and progesterone, as well as use this information to confirm ovulation, predict when a period will come and plan workouts to lose weight faster. PLUS, this module can teach you how to live synthetic hormone free and avoid pregnancy without the need for hormonal birth control

  • Supplements and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals:  Finally learn the BEST supplement protocol that is right for you and your PCOS to better manage your symptoms and fast-track weight loss. Find out more about endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, so you can limit your exposure for optimal hormone balance

  • Exclusive Discount on PCOS Lab Testing: Snag 25% off my (already very reasonably priced) favorite at-home PCOS lab testing, complete with a full medical evaluation to review anything that comes back abnormal!

  • BONUS Libido Module: Is your sex drive in the trashcan for most of the month? I hear that! Hack into this special libido module to unlock my top strategies for a higher sex drive.

  • Learn all about GLP-1 medications like Ozempic, how they work, what they can do for you, and how to use them safely and effectively! You’ll get 20% off your medication for 6 months!

How Much Does The Program Cost?

Sign up when doors open to take advantage of my Early Bird Discount to save $35!
Use the discount code “GLP” at checkout before October 22nd! After that, price goes up to $584.

Payment plans available- full cost split into 4, easy, equal payments!

The PCOS prescription opens friday, october 18th AT 10AM PST.

Please check The Women’s Dietitian Instagram for more updates.

Losing Weight with PCOS Success Stories

Finally getting in control of your PCOS is an AMAZING feeling! I love hearing my members’ success stories from weight loss to finally getting their period after it being MIA for months. Scroll through a few of them!

Brought to you by Registered Dietitian, fellow PCOS warrior, and women’s health + PCOS expert, Cory Ruth, MS, RDN

the pcos prescription FAQ

  • How does this all work??

    Once you join, you’ll be granted immediate access to all of the program modules inside our platform and gain immediate access to the discount code for your medication and the proper steps to order, receive, and begin using it from a prescribing physician! You’ll also be given the link to join our private membership community. However, there is no need to get started right away; you’ll have access to all the program materials and resources forever!

  • Does the price of $549 include all my prescription medication, too?

    The $549 fee is for EVERYTHING related to the program itself- the direct support with me in our private membership community, the discounts on every single supplement, discounts on PCOS lab testing and cycle tracking BBT devices, 6+ months worth of PCOS approved built-by-me meal plans, downloadable exercise plans with a PCOS personal trainer, and more! However, the actual medication cost isn’t included (medication needs vary per person) which is why I provide such a huge discount inside the program!

  • Does insurance cover this program?

    Unfortunately our insurance systems need to do better at playing “catch up” with support like this - the actual program portion of The PCOS Prescription can be covered by your insurance if your plan covers any Dietitian or Nutrition services! I also accept HSA/FSA (if you’re not sure what that is, please ask your employer!) To get insurance to cover it, please email me ( for a medical receipt called a Superbill! However, the actual medication cost isn’t covered which is why I provide such a huge discount inside my program.

  • Can I go at my own pace?

    Yes, no need to wait for each module to drop! You’ll have access to all the program materials and resources forever! Noooo rush girl!

  • When does the program officially start?

    The program will officially open AND begin on October 22nd, 2024

  • I’ve tried so many diets in the past. I’m worried this one won’t work.

    I hear this! When we have PCOS, we can’t just go to any old weight loss specialist for a “diet plan.” The whole “eat less, move move” simply doesn’t work for us! This program is specifically designed with this in mind and takes into account all of the unique challenges women with this condition face to optimize successful weight loss you can sustain for life.

  • Is there any discount I can get for the program?

    YES! Use “GLP” at checkout for $35.00 off! Discount coupon only available until October 22nd, 2024.

  • Is there a payment plan option?

    Yep! You can choose to pay the total price in 4, equal, easy payments once you hit the checkout screen! I offer both Klarna and Afterpay!

  • Can I join the program even if I don't live in the United States?

    Unfortunately no, as medication is only able to be dispersed to US members right now.

  • How long is the program? How many spots are available in the program?

    If you were to complete a new module each week, the full program runs for six weeks. BUT, you will get lifetime access to The PCOS Prescription Each learning module will take you roughly 45 minutes to one hour to complete. There are only 200 total spots available- that’s it. The program closes after 200 spots have been filled. Why? This allows me (Cory) to focus on your individual questions and concerns inside our thriving online community to give you better, customized guidance.

  • How do I access the private online community once I join the program?

    Once you officially join the program, instructions will show you how to join and access the exclusive community where you can start connecting with Cory and other women on your same journey in the group.

  • How long will I have access to the membership community?

    You’ll have FULL lifetime access to the group for continued support. Cory will no longer be moderating the group after three months (January 18th, 2025).

  • How do I get one-on-one access to Cory?

    In our private membership program, you can ask Cory any question (that pertains to the contents of the program/PCOS/weight loss) directly and you are guaranteed a response from Cory herself within a specific time frame.

  • Can I use my Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to purchase the program?

    Yes! If you have a physical card, simply use it like you would a credit/debit card. If not, you can use your regular credit/debit card and email me for a recipe to submit for reimbursement.

  • What is the learning format?

    Lessons include video, text, audio, and downloadable, printable, and easy-to-use supplementary worksheets! I also conduct monthly LIVES within our membership group!

  • What will I learn from this program?

    This program will equip you with the essential tools you need to tackle the hurdles potentially holding you back from losing weight, improving your symptoms, and regulating your cycle and hormones when you have PCOS. From dietary education to the proper supplement routine, to exercise habits, to self-care strategies and the right medication to support it all...this program covers it all AND MORE.

  • If I don't lose weight, do I get a refund?

    Everything you learn in this program will be valuable to you in some way! Because we cannot guarantee any particular result, we cannot offer refunds at this time.

I really hope you can join me so that I can help you finally lose weight and put your pcos into remission.