Welcome to the pcos practice!

ONE-ON-ONE customized PCOS COaching beginning november 4th, 2024

what is the pcos practice?

The PCOS Practice is a collection of top-tier trained PCOS experts who specialize in the essential nutrition and lifestyle changes to put your PCOS symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, facial hair, infertility, acne, hair loss, cravings, and fatigue into remission.

No gimmicks, no restrictive crash diets, no BS.
Just proven, science-backed strategies that work.

Each member on our team is an experienced health coach that has been fully trained by PCOS Registered Dietitian and leading PCOS specialist in the field, Cory Ruth, MS, RDN.

Cory has over 10 years of combined education and clinical experience in PCOS, endocrinology, infertility, and weight management.


so let’s talk about your hormones

Have you ever wondered why you’re bursting with energy one day and dragging the next without much change in your day-to-day grind?

Our PCOS and our hormones affect SO much more than we realize:

  • Skin

  • Hair

  • Nails

  • Mood

  • Sleep patterns

  • Digestion

  • Energy

  • Libido

  • Weight

  • Fertility

Woman with arms outstretched free spirit

What are hormones and what do they do?

Hormones function as messengers inside the body to regulate your physiology and behavior.

They control some of the most important processes in your body such as your monthly cycle, pregnancy, puberty, menopause, skin complexion, hair growth, fat storage, and muscle loss.

how do hormones get out of whack?

There a number of causes including our diagnosis, stress, poor nutrition, over or undereating, excessive exercise, and certain health conditions like PCOS.

“how do i fix a hormonal imbalance and my pcos? my doctor prescribed birth control and just told me to lose weight or come back when I want to get pregnant.”

Birth control is made up of artificial hormones and simply masks the underlying problems. In short, the pill won’t help you fix your hormones in the long run.

Our hormones (and our PCOS) can find their happy balanced flow with the right nutrition, eating habits, and lifestyle practices.

Our hormones are markedly affected by what and how we eat, along with other controllable lifestyle habits, and guess what?!

We can fix them.


Birth control is a band-aid fix and doesn’t correct the underlying issues.


Using evidence-based techniques,
we can get your hormones and your PCOS back on track.

We focus on these five key aspects of our patients’ health:

  • Nutrition: Balanced hormones when we have PCOS begins here. No cookie cutter meal plan templates here- we are going to create customized eating guidelines specifically for you taking into account your dietary likes, dislikes, allergies, and intolerances (as well as any weight management or fertility goals you may have). This means you’ll understand how to eat to fuel happy hormones and maintain a regular cycle and healthy weight for life. You will also learn the TWD Meal Method so you’ll know how to take *any* recipe and make tweaks to make it perfect for your needs. Don’t worry, we’ll be walking you through multiple real-life scenarios so you feel confident in navigating eating for PCOS no matter where you are or who you’re eating with

  • Cycle Health: Whether your periods are regular, completely unpredictable, or non-existent, we’re going to dive into the details of your cycle and figure out how to optimize your hormones for a healthier flow. This means less PMS, more predictability, and increased body literacy so you can finally feel back in control of your cycle. If you’re looking to avoid or achieve pregnancy, you’ll learn my cycle tracking method to ensure each one is an easier, less stressful process

  • Movement: No need to become an Olympic athlete, we’ll be helping you design an exercise routine that actually feels good for you. We’ll be keeping you accountable every step of the way so you feel confident in moving your body for better hormone balance and improved PCOS symptoms

  • Stress: We can’t *stress* this enough- the body and mind are intricately connected. If anxiety and depression are impacting your life negatively, chances are they’re hindering your PCOS progress. Be prepared to establish new self-care rituals, learn new anti-anxiety strategies to calm an anxious worried mind, and start giving your adrenals the nourishment they need

  • Gut Health and Sleep: Healthy digestion and sleep are at the base of the pyramid of good health. We’ll be assessing and monitoring these two crucial categories and delivering new tactics to optimize better rest and gut bacteria balance

So how does this work?

Packages available starting november 4th 2024:

Complete Reset Hormone Health Package includes:

  • Everything listed above

  • PLUS the DUTCH Hormone Test, processing and lab fees, and shipping fees


All of our one on one work integrates hormone labs so we can fully customize your PCOS nutrition and lifestyle prescription.


  • You’ve tried everything and still feel stressed, stuck, and frustrated with your PCOS

  • You’re struggling and need a trained, credentialed, and experienced PCOS expert’s help

  • You’re looking to finally CONQUER your PCOS symptoms (which may or may not include weight loss and fertility issues)

  • You feel like you’ve tried absolutely everything

  • You want to finally understand what’s driving your PCOS

  • You want a completely customized nutrition and lifestyle plan individually tailored to your unique goals, body, PCOS, and life

Learn what other amazing women are saying about working with us one on one


Work one on one with The PCOS Practice founded by Cory Ruth, Registered Dietitian and women’s health and PCOS expert

Book your package below!



  • I've joined the waitlist...what can I expect next?

    You are automatically added to the waitlist once you have paid the $500 deposit. This means that a future spot with one of our health coaches has officially been reserved just for you! Consultations officially begin on Monday, November 4th 2024.

  • I don’t have PCOS, can we still work together?

    At this time, we are working with PCOS one on one patients only. However, if you are experiencing PCOS symptoms and just haven’t received a formal diagnosis, we can absolutely still work with you!

  • I am located outside of the US, can we still work together?

    Unfortunately we cannot work together due to insurance reasons. Please check out my program, Get Pregnant with PCOS. If you are located in the US, you can also join my program, The PCOS Prescription!

  • Is there a waitlist?

    There is a waitlist that is open to a certain number of interested clients. A deposit is required to secure a spot on this waitlist. This deposit will go towards the total cost of the program. This deposit is non-refundable. 

  • Why is there a deposit to join the waitlist? 

    We want to ensure that clients signing up are serious about taking the next steps to improve their PCOS symptoms. In addition, this helps us optimize our workflow and creates a seamless process for assigning clients to their respected coach. 

  • Do I have to pay for the whole package up front?

    No, we offer affordable monthly payment plans without any interest.

  • Do you accept insurance?

    We are happy to provide you with a Superbill (a medical receipt) to submit for potential reimbursement depending on your plan and policy.

  • Do you accept HSA or FSA?

    Yes, both! You can either use your physical card like you would a regular credit or debit card, or ask us for a Superbill aka medical receipt to submit for reimbursement.

  • I’ve tried sooo many diets and none of them have worked. How do I know working with you one on one is the right move?

    This is not a diet. And we’re not just going to sit around and chat about almonds, girl. This a complete overhaul on your current nutrition, movement, and lifestyle routine using our proven stress-free, sustainable approach to optimize your health, master your PCOS symptoms, and finally free yourself from restrictive thoughts and habits. Learn more about some of the incredible women we have worked with recently here.

  • Will I be working with Cory directly?

    Yes! Cory has helped train every single team member inside The PCOS Practice. Cory and her team will be overseeing your care at every step of the way, so you know you rest assured you are receiving the best of the best, and nothing less.